A Second Honeymoon in Mauritius – A week at the Stunning Constance Le Prince Maurice Hotel
Located in a small bay on the Eastern side of Mauritius, the recently renovated and exclusive Le Prince Maurice Hotel’s web site promised an indulgent tropical hideaway, where stunning architectural design meets relaxed luxury. Christina & Richard Holt share with us how it was all that – and so much more!
Honeymoon Bliss in Mauritius
Sponsored by Travel Concepts & in conjunction with World Leisure & Air Mauritius, this couple received a complimentary 5-night honeymoon in paradise. Long sun-soaked days were spent looking out across an azure ocean whilst sipping on their favourite cocktails. Pure bliss!
Hot Honeymoons: The romantic soul of Mauritius
We are famous for creating luxury honeymoons where customised itineraries and carefully chosen destinations ensure that you’ll never forget your first journey together as a couple.